Token Details
Max Total Supply: 9,860,000,000 OX
Original Total Supply: 4,233,189,606 OX
Contract Addresses:
OX Token Overview
OX is the utility token of OXFUN and a deflationary multi-chain asset. OXFUN burns it's trading fees daily, constantly reducing the total supply. You can track the ongoing OX burn on our Analytics pages.
What are some of the use cases of OX?
OX is accepted as trading collateral on OX.FUN
OX can be used to stake, earn yield and participate in OX.FUN Strategies
OX can be staked in Battle Vaults and Solo Trading Vaults to follow your favourite traders
All fees on OXFUN are collected in OX
OX is the native PnL currency of OXFUN
Referral rewards are paid out in OX
OX holders can be exposed to occasional promotional airdrops and other rewards announced on X, Telegram and Discord.
What's the story with OX migration?
Solana Wormhole -> LayerZero
The Wormhole Solana OX (DV3845GEAVXfwpyVGGgWbqBVCtzHdCXNCGfcdboSEuZz) has been replaced by OXFUN with a higher compatibility LayerZero Solana OX (3E2z4KX7y457xJqK9RQeJhA29oPdoUvAAD3Ea3zQyuG3)
If you still hold any Wormhole OX, you can simply deposit it to your OXFUN account and it will be credited to your account balance as usual. Any withdrawals you make in Solana OX will be sent in the new, LayerZero OX, facilitating an easy and seamless migration.
OX1? OX2? Which OX is OX?
The OXFUN utility token contract addresses are listed above. However, OXFUN accepts another token with an OX symbol as collateral. This token is often referred to as OX1.
OX1 contract addresses is 0x78a0A62Fba6Fb21A83FE8a3433d44C73a4017A6f. Currently OX1 is accepted as deposits and collateral on OXFUN with an LTV of 0.5 of the value of OX issued by OXFUN (aka OX2)!