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The MILK Basics

MILK Token 101: Udderly Simple Rewards

Oxelot avatar
Written by Oxelot
Updated over a week ago

MILK, an ERC-20 token unique to OXFUN, is designed to add a twist to your trading experience. As part of our commitment to support the OXFUN herd, we've introduced an innovative reward system.

Token Details

How do I earn MILK?

  1. Trade on OXFUN.

  2. Realize a trading loss. Each trade closing with a negative realized PnL qualifies for a MILK reward. It's not just about winning; it's about participating and moving forward.

  3. MILK tokens will flow into your account daily at 0:00 UTC. This distribution is carefully calculated pro-rata, based on the magnitude of loss in each individual trade.

Remember: Even when the market dips, your MILK rewards pour in! 🐮📉🥛

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